[I] hoppy - and skippy° - paulejamisonday today!°°
(too old to reply)
2 years ago
- hi: it's - yr hmbl srppnt. trusts - a hoppy - and skippy° -

- paulejamisonday today!°°

- hopping - or hoping - here or on farcebook, or similar,
paul & the ferrets are bursting into (in)appropriate songs
'n'thnigs generally therewith associated.°°

- love, ppint.

° - and all the rest of the crew
°° - with confectionary gnu!°°°
°°° - carful with that!
Paul .Jamison
2 years ago
Post by ***@gmail.com
- hi: it's - yr hmbl srppnt. trusts - a hoppy - and skippy° -
- paulejamisonday today!°°
- hopping - or hoping - here or on farcebook, or similar,
paul & the ferrets are bursting into (in)appropriate songs
'n'thnigs generally therewith associated.°°
- love, ppint.
° - and all the rest of the crew
°° - with confectionary gnu!°°°
°°° - carful with that!
Oh, my. Somebody remembers.

I've moved away from the birthday salutes, partly because of almost no traffic and partly for health reasons. I have signs of Parkinsons disease, a]nd I've moved into ths home of A full-time caregiver. My birthday data is on another computer, and it's a chore to get thru the day.

Thank you. This means a lot.
2 years ago
- *hugggg*

- yr hmbl srppnt. s'spects that many afpers lost touch with the
group when demon were swallowed up, and the swallower-up in
turn swallowed up.. ..ad nauseam, and somewhere along the way
the latest swallower-up switched off news.demon.co.uk etc. (and
trashed the entire demon mail serving systems set-up). . .

- but i seriously doubt many will actually have _forgotten_ skippy
& co. and their would-be wrangler - and at least some of their ad-
ventures; even if there's seldom aught to bring them back to the
surface of their mental stock-pots.

- most of yr hmbl srppnt.'s useful information™, data, etc, is still
on one or other of my successive i-m-t.d.c.u. desk-tops' hddrives,
awaiting a decade to come when dr/novell/open dos or freedos
seems a fun thing to play around with again -

- ''that is not dead, which can eternal lie; and with strange iain's...''

- take as good care of yourself, and your carer, as you are able;

- love, ppint.
''tis due to ppinqueans that set light
to nelson's hat
it glows at night
Stephen Frost
2 years ago
Not forgotten... Fondly remembered as far as my creaking memory allows.

It's as you say 'quiet in here' these days even for the mostly lurking
afper that was me.

If anyone else checks this post I for one aten't dead yet albeit slowing

Take care of yourselves.

Sig. under development - maybe